A sequel to the popular PC game “Treasures of Montezuma” will please fans of puzzles and the match-3 genre. Over 100 levels of ancient Aztec secrets and riddles, plenty of magical artifacts and three game modes – that's what awaits for the players.
Playing “Treasures of Montezuma 2” you'll have to combine pieces of the same color and complete missions within the given time. Success will be rewarded with bonus scores and gold which you may spend to purchase various bonuses and upgrades. Upon the discovery of Aztec magic and gathering all the precious jewels the player will rebuild the Heavenly City Tenochtitlan.
• Over 100 levels
• 3 game modes
• Magical bonuses and totems
• Mysterious atmosphere of Aztec civilization
***** The QualityIndex of "Treasures of Montezuma 2" is 7.9
<a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://android.qualityindex.com/games/20840/treasures-of-montezuma-2%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNFyvSWv1YmRoQ6hjmWapIu0R8DxHg&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNHCkL1Nax6ATTH6ajfiBBt3MPh8Wg" target="_blank">http://android.qualityindex.com/games/20840/treasures-of-montezuma-2</a>
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</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Een vervolg op de populaire PC game 'Treasures of Montezuma' zal fans van puzzels en de match-3 genre behagen. Meer dan 100 levels van oude Azteekse geheimen en raadsels, tal van magische artefacten en drie spelmodi - dat is wat wacht voor de spelers.
Playing "Treasures of Montezuma 2" moet je stukken van dezelfde kleur en volledige missies te combineren binnen de gegeven tijd. Succes zal worden beloond met bonus scores en goud die u kunt besteden aan verschillende bonussen en upgrades te kopen. Na de ontdekking van de Azteekse magie en het verzamelen van alle kostbare juwelen van de speler zal de wederopbouw van de hemelse stad Tenochtitlan.
• Meer dan 100 levels
• 3 game modes
• Magical bonussen en totems
• Mysterieuze sfeer van Azteekse beschaving
***** De QualityIndex van "Treasures of Montezuma 2" is 7.9
<a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://android.qualityindex.com/games/20840/treasures-of-montezuma-2&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNFyvSWv1YmRoQ6hjmWapIu0R8DxHg" target="_blank">http://android.qualityindex.com/games/20840/treasures-of-montezuma-2</a>
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